Frequently Asked Questions

Feel free to contact us should your particular question not be listed below.

Will I be able to log in right away?
You certainly can. Go to this page and within a few minutes, you can view the Japanese used car auctions.
I am not a dealer. Can I buy through your auctions?
You certainly can. Our sales staff will guide you through the whole process.
Can I start bidding right away?
As soon as your 100% returnable deposit has arrived in our bank account in Japan, then we can give you bidding rights.
How can I read the auction sheet?
We don’t expect you to understand Japanese OR an auction sheet. We translate every vehicle for you before purchase and will only purchase when we are sure you understand and are happy with the translation.
How will I know if my bid was successful?
M Co. will let you know on the day of purchase. You will receive an automated Email, and the car will appear in your WIN folder.
How can I ship my vehicle to my country?
M Co. takes care of all the shipping, it is part of the whole process.

Get In Touch

+81 90 6467 3672


55-19-11 Akuranaka,
Takarazuka-Shi, Hyogo
Japan 665-0822




Japan Auto Connect is one of the most experienced Japanese car exporters serving customers globally.

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